Our Technology
Electronic Medical Records:
Our office uses Electronic Medical Records (EMR). This state-of-the-art technology allows us to store our records digitally. Electronic Medical Record (EMR) technology is the central point of all patient information: demographics, medical/dental history, vitals, and financials. EMR is a paperless approach to streamlining communication between doctors and patients and with other practitioners. Our practice strictly complies with governmental HIPAA guidelines for protecting personal patient information. EMR is part of our commitment to continuous improvement and "going green!"
Digital Radiography:
Our offices utilize digital radiography during your endodontic and periodontic treatment to provide our doctors with diagnostic information. We use an advanced non-film computerized system that produces up to 90 percent lower radiation levels than conventional low dose dental x-ray machines.
All instruments used for treatment in our office are sterilized according to the latest OSHA requirements. Every item has been carefully pre-cleaned, dried, packaged and treated in an autoclave at 265 degrees with 25 PSI for 15 minutes or more. To ensure proper operation, our autoclave sterilizers are monitored weekly by the SporAmpule biological indicator. Your operatory has also been prepared just for you.
Every touchable surface has been pre-cleaned, sprayed and wiped down with hospital-level disinfectant. In accordance with OSHA and CDC (Center for Disease Control) specifications, protective barriers have been placed, eliminating any chance of cross-contamination. Annually our staff completes a thorough training program designed to assure compliance with the requirements of OSHA's regulations on infection and hazard control.
Operating Microscopes:
Magnification and fiber optic illumination are helpful in aiding the doctor to see details inside your tooth. An operating microscope is necessary to increase visualization and allow for the detection of extra canals and fracture lines inside the tooth. Proper endodontic therapy is extremely difficult if not impossible to render without the use of the operating microscope.
Apex Locators:
An apex locator is a device that allows your doctor to further verify where each root ends. Since the canals are narrow and often curved, microscopes, tactile sensation, x-rays and apex locators all aid in fully shaping the canals.
Ultrasonic instruments are used in several ways. They help remove canal obstructions, open calcified (narrow) canals, aid in creating a barrier during surgical endodontic treatment as well as agitate antimicrobial rinses with ultrasonic vibrations to further remove bacterial debris within the canal system.
Effectively cleaning the deepest, most complex portions of the root canal system requires incredible innovation—and we are proud to offer that technology with the GentleWave® Procedure.
The GentleWave® Procedure is a state-of-the-art alternative to standard root canal treatment. The ultracleaning technology of the GentleWave® Procedure is an advanced combination of fluid dynamics and a broad range of soundwaves that work together to reach into the microscopic spaces and remove bacteria, debris and tissue. The GentleWave® Procedure is so effective at cleaning and disinfecting the root canal system, there's less chance of failure over time.
The GentleWave® Procedure uses a minimally invasive protocol to access and thoroughly clean a tooth's root canal system. This allows more of the natural tooth to be preserved and keep the tooth's underlying structure strong. With GentleWave® we can often complete a root canal procedure in just one appointment.
Achieving an exceptional level of clean requires advanced endodontics—and that’s something we take pride in providing. Contact us today to discover the GentleWave® Difference for yourself.
Our practice utilizes state-of-the-art, small volume cone-beam CT (computed tomography) technology that provides highly accurate, 3-D radiographic images for the diagnosis, planning, and treatment. This provides three-dimensional visualization of teeth, bone, sinuses and surrounding structures with minimal radiation exposure to the patient, and enables a level of anatomical accuracy and patient care that is not possible with 2-D technologies (standard dental x-rays).
Dental Laser:
The Nd-YAG laser is used for laser periodontal surgery and for hemostasis. This instrument allows periodontal surgery to be performed without the use of traditional methods such as surgically opening the gums and completing the procedure with sutures. It can also be used for soft tissue procedures such as frenectomies and soft tissue contouring.
Intra-oral scanner: